Restaurant Fit Out Commercial Electricians

Custom Electrical are Auckland based specialist restaurant fit out commercial electricians. Restaurant fit outs present their own unique challenges, having completed significant restaurant fit out projects we understand and adapt our services to cater for these unique challenges to ensure we deliver timely and precise results. 

Restaurant Fit Out Commercial Electrician Challenges

Knowing which commercial electrical contractor can best meet the requirements of your restaurant fit out project and when and how a commercial electrician needs to be involved.

Commercial electrical contractors without restaurant fit out experience often struggle to ensure results are timely. Planning and execution can be unreliable, issues such as supplying sufficient power for all equipment can be mishandled requiring time consuming and costly reworks. Custom Electrical are specialist commercial electricians offering a reliable service with proven electrical fit out processes, and knowledgeable advice backed by years of experience. Contact us and we can consult with you to develop an commercial electrician fit out plan to guide you through the process from project concept to delivery.

Knowing the required power supply to operate all kitchen appliances and how much it will cost if an upgrade to the current supply is needed.

One of the greatest risks involved in restaurant electrical fit out design is having an insufficient power supply which results in escalating costs as project timelines are pushed out and more work is required. We accurately measure and plan for the required power supply, our experience ensures the design is correct at the concept stage and budgeted for correctly. 

Knowing the amount of lighting needed to meet the required lighting levels for hospitality and developing the most effective lighting design.

Lighting is critical in hospitality, get it wrong and you can adversely effect the mood of the restaurant and have a negative effect on business. Lux levels are extremely important, we supply a lighting design to suit your restaurants unique ambient requirements including 3d imaging to give clear visualisation of your project. As experienced commercial electricians we advise on contemporary light fittings to suit your space and supply light fittings as required.

Developing an accurate estimate of how long a project will take and understanding the different costs involved to ensure reliable and accurate costing.

Our restaurant fit out experience puts us ahead of others when it comes to being able to provide accurate pricing and timelines. We complete an initial consultation then supply you with a timeline and a fixed price with a break down of all costs to give you confidence your restaurant fit out commercial electrician project will be delivered on time and on budget.

Call us to arrange a consultation or email your projects for tender to and our estimators will have costings back to you by your required date. 

Qualified, Certified & Trusted

Commercial Electrician Restaurant Fit Out Projects

Here is a sample of restaurant electrical fit out projects Custom Electrical have undertaken.